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It would be an understatement to say that the freelancing industry is saturated with sellers. So, if you’re looking for a sure-shot way to set yourself apart from the rest, consider improving your customer care.

But this can be difficult when you’re dealing with dozens of clients with unique expectations and have the limited resources of a freelancer. So, to help you with that, here are some easy ways to deliver better customer service as a freelancer. From improving your communication skills to taking feedback more positively, these tactics are sure to satisfy your customers.

1. Communicate the Right Way

woman having a relaxed conversation

You can drastically improve your customer service as a freelancer by simply being more clear and professional in your communications. Whether it’s a call or a simple email, avoid being too casual, regardless of how close a relationship you have with the client.

Superior communication also means being as clear and concise as possible. You can achieve this by using simple, everyday language, and avoiding overly long sentences. Also, get into the habit of summarizing the key points of each conversation with a client. This will ensure you’re both on the same page before you get started on a task.

Even after the task has started, be sure to keep your clients in the loop. Let them know of any updates with their order. This will give them the opportunity to chip in if they’re not satisfied with the direction you’re taking.

You must remember though, that not everyone is good at communicating. And your client may not speak up without you asking questions like, “How does that sound?”, or, “Do you have any questions?”

2. Take Feedback Positively

woman taking notes

Feedback, both negative and positive, can be a way for you to improve your customer service. This can be regarding your attitude or work itself. If a client praises you for something, don’t let it get to your head. Rather, be sure to thank them, and assure them that you’ll continue to exceed their expectations.

On the flip side, be sure to never take any negative feedback as a character assassination. Instead, you should listen attentively and try to decipher what you did wrong. This will help you understand what you could have done better.

For example, if a client mentions that you always deliver your work just in the nick of time, you can learn to create deadlines that actually work for you. As a result, you can prevent future delays from ruining your client relationships. You should also thank the client for any bad feedback to show your appreciation for this opportunity for growth.

3. Deliver Before the Deadline

A great way to provide better customer service as a freelancer is to deliver before the deadline. This will not only let your client request any edits if needed, but also help them plan things on their end with more clarity. All in all, this will help build trust in your relationship, and increase your worth in the market.

Many of your clients may turn into repeat customers, and they may even assign some high-priority, time-sensitive work to you. You can charge higher rates for these expedited deliveries. Just be sure to never compromise the quality of your work in hopes of delivering before the deadline.

4. Focus on Providing Value

woman speaking to a laptop

You should focus on providing more value to your freelance clients. An easy way to do this is by delivering a bit more than what was asked for.

You can do this by adding some minor extra services for free, as long as they don’t take too much of your time and effort.

For instance, if you offer content writing services, consider adding an image or two in your article for improved visual value. Another way you can provide better value to your clients is by helping them save money. You can offer them free advice on topics that you have knowledge about.

You can also suggest a more efficient and cost-friendly way of getting the job done when they hire you for a project. For instance, as a web developer, you can recommend a client to go for website templates rather than something from scratch if they’re short on budget.

Gestures like these may reduce your earnings in the short term, but they’ll help you convert your clients into repeat buyers. These repeat buyers may also become advocates for your services.

5. Offer Flexibility in Payment

man holding credit card

Most freelance clients don’t like jumping through hoops to pay you for your services. So, a little flexibility in payment options can really help set you apart.

The easiest way to go about this is to make accounts on all the most popular payment portals, like PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, and Stripe. This will let your clients choose the payment option that is the most convenient for them.

You should also consider offering custom payment plans. For instance, you can bill a client with budget constraints in small installments. Plus, you can utilize easy-to-use invoice apps for automated billings to make payments even more effortless.

6. Deliver Personalized Customer Care

holding hands

Customers like it when a business cares for them. This is especially important in service businesses like freelancing. You can provide personalized customer care by getting to know your clients better. Try to learn what their likes and dislikes are for the jobs they hired you for.

Consider writing these down somewhere if you’re dealing with multiple clients. You can then use this knowledge to better tailor the services you offer to their preferences.

Additionally, you should follow up with your clients after each project. Don’t forget to thank them for hiring you. You should also let them know that it was a pleasure working with them, and that you would love to collaborate again in the future.

Additionally, you should reach out to your regular customers during festivals or birthdays to greet them on these special occasions. You can use Windows apps to help you remember the birthdays of each client. Doing so will help you build a more personal connection with your clients.

Satisfying Freelance Clients Is Easy

Delivering better customer service translates to increased customer retention. These clients will also advocate for your services and in turn, generate more business for you.

To improve your customer service as a freelancer, be clear and professional in your communications. Always prioritize adding value to your client’s life and business when dealing with them. Also, deliver early and offer flexibility in payment.

Learning to accept critique, and incorporating feedback is an essential freelancing skill. But make sure you don’t let any client cross the line between criticism and disrespect.